Introductions are in order... world this is Nathan Christopher Summers in his modern attire. Cable, this is the world!
(If you'd like to view the video in 1080p you can click on the "spur" icon on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.)
And now for the some more high res fun
Low edition size goodness
Perfunctory 360 degree viewing

And now for some closeups... big ass gun #1
Big ass gun #2
Chest X-emblem
Belt X-emblem
Backside pounches
The incredibly detailed base
Wicked metal arm
And I will close with that technovirus infected mug that we all love. Welcome back to life Cable!
If you're looking to do some research on Mr. Summers' current availability, you can do so here (Also if you decide to buy the statue in the future please come back and click on this link first. It's a way for you to support the site.):
Ebay Listings of Bowen's Modern Action Cable Statue
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For those looking to purchase this statue from a dependable source, Sideshow Collectibles still has him in stock. You can purchase him by clicking this link:
Sideshow collectibles Listing for Bowen's Modern Action Cable Statue
Thanks for stopping by!
Nice statue kucharek bros. knocking it out the park again!
You know it. They're so talented. I want to lock them up in a dungeon and have them sculpt X-men statues for me day and night (a metaphorical dungeon of course :))