
Thursday, August 22, 2013

That Would Make A Great..."Age of Apocalypse: Rogue" Edition

     This is the second post in the Age of Apocalypse "That Would Make A Great" series. As we all know (or are about to know) in the 90's Marvel killed off Professor Xavier in the past and reinvented the present with Apocalypse as the ruler of the mutant dominated world. It was a mind-boggling move for a teenage comic fan like myself to be exposed to which resulted in a permanent reverence for it. Since this essentially became an alternate reality, all the characters in the X-verse (and some throughout the Marvel universe) were redesigned. As a fan of X-statues and this era, I dream of an entire set of these designs being made as statues. Hopefully it'll happen one day.

     Today's "That Would Make A Great..." post focuses on the newly imagined design of Rogue. Since all the characters were re imagined, all the designs are too big  for one post. Thus I'll be focusing on them in a variety of posts dedicated to this era.


     There are several images that would be a great reference for a fullsized statue of AoA Rogue.  A museum pose is the first logical choice for the statue.

A dynamic pose having her lift something heavy over her head would also work.

Fighting poses also make for great statues.  This design is perfect for a statue.

What's important is that this is a great design for Rogue and would look great in a statue set based on AoA designs.

John Ficci, the guy that did my custom Banshee statue, did a custom version of the Sideshow Collectible's Premium Format Figure of Rogue in this costume that came out pretty great.  I would have jumped on it if I had the cash but it was beyond my means.  Fortunately he shot a video of it which you have the please of viewing now.

(If you'd like to improve the quality of the video you can click on the "spur" icon on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.)

John knew that would make a great AoA Rogue!

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